We just love coffee n' ice cream!
It started with a passion to bring something new to Alexandria...
We often heard of families leaving town for family time. They would make a trip out of finding something simple and sweet to do together. Our family has always had a sweet tooth and I start every day with a hot cup of coffee. Then it hit me! I could combine these two things and create an atmosphere like no other in town.
The name Beans n' Cream, honestly, just came to me. Its as if it was meant to be. We are a family owned and operated business so I called my step-daughter and she whipped our logo together pretty quickly.
When word spread around town of our opening, it spread like wildfire. People were begging to get into our VIP tastings and the day we opened. customers were wrapped around the building to get in.
We have made some changes and adjusted to the flow of traffic but we're stronger than ever. Chains will come and go, but small business is what makes our town unique. We are here to stay.
- Stephen Gibbs, Owner